Computer Network security is on the top of mind for a lot of businesses, and it should be. Over 60% of small businesses that are cyber attacked go out of business with 6 months.
Company data is named as one of the top 2 assets in any company. Why gamble with it?
If you play or watch football, take this analogy. Your business data is like the football, it’s a valuable asset to the game. You wouldn’t put just one lineman in front of you to protect the ball. NO, you would have as many as you could to protect your asset.
Your business data is like that, having just a good anti-virus program on your computer is not enough. Think about a secondary layer, or a firewall unit, or a more advanced router, all of which add more layers of security to your network.
Give us a call to discuss your computer network security, whether it’s just one computer or a whole office, we can help. 651-330-6483